Maintenance of the systems is mandatory pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 10 March 1998 "General fire safety criteria for managing emergencies in the workplace".
The UNI/CEI technical standards provide indications on how to carry out maintenance. Fire detection systems
UNI 11224:2019 describes the procedures for the initial check, surveillance and periodic check, maintenance and general verification of automatic fire detection systems.
UNI 11224:2019 Initial inspection and maintenance of fire detection systems
This standard describes the procedures for the initial check, surveillance and periodic check, maintenance and general verification of fire detection systems. It is also applicable where the fire detection system is used to activate an automatic extinguishing system or to implement fire safety devices. The purpose of maintenance activities is to verify the functionality of the systems and not their effectiveness, for which reference is made to UNI 9795.
If a fire detection system does not comply with the rules of the art, corrective actions are outside the scope of this standard. This standard applies to both new and existing systems.
Replaces: UNI 11224:2011 - The revision was set up taking into account the technological update and its alignment with the contents of the new 2013 edition of UNI 9795 and UNI/TR 11607:2015 and UNI/TR 11694:2017, in particular: - the tests and checks on acoustic and optical signalling equipment have been modified and, above all, implemented; - the tests and checks on ASD systems have been modified and, above all, implemented; - the point on the "general verification of the system" has been revised, modifying its frequency; - the percentage of the number of points to be checked in alarm during the twelve months has been modified based on the age of the system.
- DM 10.03.1998 General criteria for fire safety and emergency management in places of
work - Art. 4 “Control and maintenance of fire-fighting systems and equipment”.
- DM 37/2008 Regulation concerning the implementation of article 11- quaterdecies, paragraph 13, letter
of Law No. 248 of 2 December 2005, containing the reorganisation of the provisions regarding the activities of
installation of systems inside buildings. Art. 5 “Obligations related to the exercise of the activity”.
- Legislative Decree 81/2008 Implementation of Article 1 of Law 3 August 2007, n. 123, regarding the protection of health and safety in the workplace. - Annex IV, Chapter 4 “Measures against fire and explosion”, paragraph 4.1.3.
- Presidential Decree 151 of 1 August 2011 Regulation containing simplification of the discipline of procedures relating to fire prevention, pursuant to article 49 paragraph 4-quater, Legislative Decree 31 May 2010, n. 78, converted with amendments, by Law 30 July 2010, n. 122
- Ministerial Decree 7 August 2012 Provisions relating to the methods of submitting requests concerning fire prevention procedures and the documentation to be attached, pursuant to article 2, paragraph 7, of Presidential Decree 151/2011
- Decree 20 December 2012 - Technical regulation for fire prevention for active fire protection systems installed in activities subject to fire prevention controls
- UNI EN 54 Fire detection and fire alarm systems (series)
- UNI EN 671-3:2009 Fixed fire extinguishing systems - Hosed systems - Part 3: Maintenance of semi-rigid hose reels and flexible hose wall hydrants
- UNI 9795:2013 Fixed automatic fire detection and alarm systems - Design, installation and operation
- UNI 10779:2014 Fire extinguishing systems - Hydrant networks - Design, installation and operation - UNI 11292:2008 Premises intended to house pumping units for fire-fighting systems - Construction and functional characteristics
- UNI 11224:2019 Initial inspection and maintenance of fire detection systems.
- UNI 11280:2012 Initial inspection and maintenance of gaseous fire extinguishing systems
- UNI/TS 11512:2013 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems – Components for gas extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for compatibility between components
- UNI EN 12094 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems (series)
- UNI EN 12259 Fixed fire protection installations - Components for sprinkler and water spray systems (series)
- UNI EN 16925:2019 Fixed firefighting systems - Automatic residential sprinkler systems - Design, installation and maintenance
UNI EN 12416-2:2007 Fixed firefighting systems - Powder systems - Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance
- UNI EN 12845:2015 Fixed firefighting installations - Automatic sprinkler systems Design, installation and maintenance
- EC 1-2016 UNI EN 12845:2015 Errata corrige 1
- EN 13565-2:2009 Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems - Part 2: Design, construction and maintenance
- UNI CEN/TS 14816:2009 Fixed fire-fighting installations - Water spray systems - Design, installation and maintenance
- UNI CEN/TS14972:2011 Fixed fire-fighting installations - Water mist systems - Design and installation
- UNI EN 15004 Fixed fire-fighting installations - Gaseous extinguishing systems (series)
- UNI ISO 15779:2012 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Condensed aerosol extinguishing systems - Requirements and test methods for components and design, installation and maintenance of systems - General requirements
Surveillance is carried out by assigned personnel, normally present in the areas subject to protection on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on the type of checks to be carried out and the size of the system.
The check must be carried out following the instructions specified in the system's use and maintenance manual and those indicated in the company safety procedures.
At least a visual inspection must be carried out to verify that the equipment is in ordinary operating conditions, has no visible damage and has not been hidden/obstructed by materials of any kind.
The check must include an examination of the status signals present on the detection control unit and on all peripheral signalling and/or repetition devices, ensuring that they have received the necessary attention.
It is also necessary to verify, at level 1 (UNI EN 54-2:2007 point 12.6), that the control unit accepts the commands and that the LEDs and display do not present any operating anomalies (Performing the lamp test if implemented; switching on and/or off of LEDs, activating the display backlighting, etc.).
Check, at least monthly, that the spare parts are present in the expected quantities and reorder them when they are used. Apply the same care to consumables (printer paper, etc.).
The frequency of surveillance must be appropriately intensified if there are environmental conditions
details, such as:
- installation in very dusty environments;
- installation in environments with frequent temperature changes;
- installation in environments with high humidity or presence of vapors;
- specific requirements of the manufacturer or designer.
Given the particular complexity of aspirating smoke detection systems, surveillance must include the following actions on them:
- check the operation of the LEDs and event repetition lamps, for example via a specific command;
- checking and recording the current flow value (if available) or the presence of a flow fault;
- check for any other detectable alarm or anomaly signals;
- if present, visual inspection of siphons for condensate drainage through the suction pipes;
- visual inspection of the condition of the suction pipes and their supports in environments where they are subject to mechanical stress.
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